este te puede servir:
DSS Player Standard is a Dictation/Transcription system with professional functions for individual users It can be used to capture audio data highly compressed with an Olympus digital voice recorder (hereinafter referred to as "the recorder"), and allows for real-time playback, editing, and insertion of index information.
DSS Player Standard and the recorder support the playback of DSS, an international standard for audio recording, Microsoft-promoted WMA, and MP3.
With peripheral devices connected, such as a DirectRec or foot switch, it provides a variety of additional functions, including audio streaming recording and remote control playback.
DSS Player Standard offers the following functions:
* Support for playback and editing of DSS Pro, DSS, WMA, MP3 and WAV files
* The Direct Recording function, which records real-time audio data onto the PC
* Support for sharing audio files, playback, and editing of DSS Pro files through a custom folder
* Support for the Microsoft® DirectShow® Filter
* Easy-to-see and intuitive graphical user interfaces
* Option dialog boxes that allow for centralized management of settings
* Button customization to link device buttons with commands, and to edit their details
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